I am involved in a seminar as a 'student' trying to gain some knowledge about Islam. The seminar is my second time around and the information has been updated since last April and more has been added.
We have about 250 to 300 participants in the seminar and that is encouraging. It is encouraging to know that many people are interested and even concerned about this "new" religion that is being mentioned in some newspapers and on some media outlets on a daily basis.
We have learned quite a bit about the Islamic people, not much about the 'extremist' Islamic people, and nothing about the Nation of Islam even tho' a few were in attendance, or it seemed to me that they were. I don't think that anyone in attendance is a threat to my freedom, but I still do not know how to tell them apart.
I am convinced that the Islamic people - not the extremists nor the the nation of - are nice people who share many of 'our' pleasures and expectations of life as free people. Most of the true Islamic worshipers are indeed more fervent in their belief system than most non-Islamic people including Christians and Jews.
This morning, a newscaster said that "we (the feds) know that there are sleeper cells from Iran operating in the United States." My question is, if we know it, why is nothing being done to eliminate them? The phrase 'sleeper cells' in itself has come to mean a group of people who are in this country with the intention of someday doing harm to the citizens of the U.S. .
Now, I do not know what the legal definition of treason is, and I am certain that the ACLU would be all over it, but those known subversives should be shut down.
Frankie has much more to say about this subject, but he wants to see if you have any input. This site is meant to be a conversation and not just a preaching head.
Keep the faith, but not to yourself.
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