Be At Peace

Be At Peace
Cause Joy!

Monday, October 29, 2007

If you Like An Insurance Adjuster Determining How Long You May Be Treated---

We entered into the age of insurance adjusters telling the doctors and hospitals and other medical professionals how much treatment you required. They have also set themselves up as all knowing when it comes to how long you will be allowed to stay in the hospital following the birth of a healthy baby, a ruptured blood vessel, etc.

  • The adjusters will tell you that you may stay in the hospital as long as you want to, but they will only pay for a limited number of days or hours. The insurance companies will also tell you that you are saving money on your premium by limiting your time of care.
  • While some postmodern thinking people do not give a hoot about what happens to old people, the old people do. Medicare increases the premium each year for people who have retired, no longer have an income and depend on Medicare and Medicade for their health care.
  • Also each year, the government reduces the amount which may be paid to a physician may be paid for a particular treatment. It is not at all unusual for a procedure which costs $1,000.00 to be approved for a payment of no more than $250.00.
  • The paper work required for the medical provider to process the Medicare claim is so extensive and time consuming that many physicians have stopped accepting Medicare patients. Be sure and thank your provider for accepting Medicare on your behalf when you are treated. They are not compelled to.
  • If you do not enjoy having an insurance company adjuster or CEO determine your treatment, how do you think you will like the government making that determination? That is the same government that runs the post office. That is the same government that reacted to Katrina. That is the same government that held a bogus press conference about the recent California fires. It goes on and on.
  • Even in the face of all these frightening alternatives, the United States has the very best medical doctors and patient facilities in the world. Will that change?
  • If Hillarycare is allowed to socialize medicine as she has proposed, the government will take over and determine whether or not your injury or your disease is worthy of treatment at all, never mind that the payments will be reduced to the providers. Personally, I do not want to be treated by the lowest bidder.
  • If you think for a moment that will not happen, take for example the situation where CITGO is providing gasoline to our naval bases. When questioned as to why the U. S. Navy would be doing business with and supporting Hugo Chavez an admitted and proud of it, terrorist to the United States. He has vowed to destroy the U S A and has taken over several American companies in Venezuela.
Frankie says get involved. Take an interest in your future. Don't vote for Hillary just because she is a woman or because you think her adulterating husband is good looking. She is as close to a socialist as the USA has ever had in any public office. Keep the faith, but not to yourself.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

How Can I Reduce My Size and Lose Weight?

When I was born I weighed 5 lbs and a few ounces. My dad described me as looking like a skinned squirrel. I have changed a good bit. When I was in High School I weighed in at 135 lbs. The same was true several years later when I got married. Not so today!

  • Today the scales say that my weight is 27 lbs lighter than I was 60 days ago. That sounds like a fib, but it is true.
  • Here I am with my two beautiful granddaughters who think that I am pretty special even if I am overweight. When this taken, I weighed in at 285.
  • I felt like an idiot for letting myself get so out of shape. I was in shape, but it was ball shaped. I needed to get some fat off of me and live to see these two through school.
  • This week, I have attended two funerals of good friends of mine. I do not want that to happen to me if I can avoid it. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to go whenever my God beckons me, but as long as I am still on this revolving orb, I want to feel good.
  • Nearly 1/2 lb. per day has left me. I feel really good except when my pants fall off. That is a great problem to have. When I wear shorts, I do not wear a belt. Not only that, but I am able to wear clothes which I had outgrown and have just been hanging around waiting for me to come back. "I'm Back"

Frankie says change your life and save your life. Start to lose some lbs and take a moderate walk each day for thirty minutes and you WILL see a difference. I am too blessed to be stressed.

Yemen grants house arrest to Cole attack planner?

It is inconceivable to me, a red blooded American conservative, that one of the terrorists who is responsible, and said so, in killing at 17 Americans has been allowed to spend his sentence at home. Granted, his home may not be a place where you or I would want to live, but remember, "there's no place like home."

  • This story came from Reuters News by way of Direct Matches. Direct Matches is the place for up to the minute news and extremely reasonable ads for your at home business.
  • 2007-10-26 Yemen has commuted to house arrest the prison term of a mastermind of al Qaeda's 2000 bombing of a U.S. Navy vessel after he surrendered to Yemeni authorities, his relatives said on Friday.
  • Relatives told Reuters they were allowed to visit Jamal Badawi at his home in the southern port city of Aden while under police surveillance.
  • Details of the decision to release Badawi from prison were not known. But a Yemeni government official who asked not to be identified said the militant remained "under close scrutiny and control of the security forces." He declined to elaborate.
  • Badawi was one of the architects of the attack on the destroyer Cole that killed 17 U.S. sailors in Aden port. He is wanted in the United States, which offered a $5 million reward for information leading to his arrest after his escape from jail in 2006, according to the FBI Web site.
  • Badawi, whose death sentence had been commuted to 15 years in prison, is one of 23 inmates who escaped from a jail in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. He turned himself in about two weeks ago.
  • Yemen, the ancestral homeland of Osama bin Laden, joined the U.S.-led war on terrorism after al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
  • The poor country on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula is viewed in the West as a haven for Islamist militants. It has witnessed several deadly attacks against Western targets and tourists including the bombing of a French oil tanker in 2002.
Frankie wonders if this bad guy can escape from a guarded prison, what is to keep him from running away from home? He may have received favor from the "court" because he missed 'that old gang of mine.' For more on this and other stories, check out Direct Matches. We are too blessed to be stressed.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

New School Jitters?

Any reason you are nervous about going to a new school? Gracie was! She says,Never be afraid of anything, God will get you through whatever comes your way. Just think good thoughts that you will have many new peers and will do outstanding effort. Yes, you will be nervous, but you will get used to it soon.

  • If your teacher isn't that nice give her a chance. Try to become friends with her or make some kind of relationship with him or her.
  • Gracie suggests that if you are about to start a new school, get your mom to take a look at this.
  • When I left my other school I left all my friends and ventured to another school and learning environment. But yet I still keep the old friends I had before. Don't throw them away like tonights pizza box. Still try to contact your old peers and keep in touch.
Gracie says, "always do your best and you will get to the ladder of success."

Gracie is a new contributor to this blog. She is 9 years old and recently started a new school. She wants to have her own blog , but will write a few for me to get the feel of being published. Frankie

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Can T.I. Be Pleased About Possibly Going To Prison?

You probably know far more about "T.I." than I do. He is billed as a rap star. His last name is Harris as in Franco Harris or Phil Harris or his dad, Mr. Harris. So what does "T.I" stand for?

  • It seems that this young man has caught the attention of not only the police who arrested him allegedly attempting to purchase some guns. One of which was a machine gun of some caliber and some others including a 9MM, but also of movie makers.
  • Now it has already been stated by him or his attorney that he was "set up." It is probably an almost sure thing that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton will come out and exploit this situation as they have on many other occasions.
  • Those two African American "leaders" will, for a price, start an uproar that "T.I" has been framed and will enjoin a parade to show their contempt for the police entrapping this fine upstanding young man. They will hang around until they figure they have made all the publicity they are going to and all the money that "T.I" can pay them for the PR campaign.
  • Many people are wondering why they lept off of the Michael Vick caravan like fleas off of a dead dog [no pun intended].
  • They had milked that "set up" for all that it was worth and moved on to the "Jena six." Those poor lads were "set up" as well. Cynthia Tucker, a very left wing columnist and also an African American had a post in her column today that wreaked of frustration with this type of exploitation.
  • After reading Ms. Tucker's column we are left with the thought that "T.I." must stand for "terrible influence" and nothing more. He will probably be more popular than ever after he is slapped on the wrist and serves some community service. He would be doing his community a service just to shut up and go away.

Frankie says keep the faith, but not to yourself.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Divorce And Children

Divorce in any nation is hurtful on all concerned. The wife, the husband and especially the children. There are statistics that indicate that in some unions, children will actually reduce the number of divorces and sometimes it has no impact on the decision to split the sheets.

  • Frankie currently has four friends, all female, who are in the process, one step or another in getting a divorce. All of these ladies, all in their late 30's are angry, resentful, and worried about what their future may hold and what adjustments they will have to make.
  • Studies show that marriage is the largest cause of divorce. Marriage has ruined many friendships and broken up many happy couples.
  • Frankie is not suggesting that living together and not getting married is desirable and certainly not favored by him or God. The Bible speaks many times about marriage and respect for each partner.
  • Pearl asked Frankie a couple of days ago if her dad still liked her mother even tho' he was leaving home to be with his girlfriend. Pearl, the answer is yes, it is very likely that he does still like your mother, but they have just fallen out of the same type of love that brought you into this world. That was a deep and honest love and the chances are that you are the most precious thing that came out of that union. Your mother and your dad both love you.
  • Frankie recommends that each partner should decide that they ready and prepared to give up the life of a single person and to love their spouse as much as themselves. It has been my experience, he says, that in most successful marriages which last as long as the commitment made on the wedding day, the wife is in charge of humility. She keeps the husband and all of his testosterone in check.
Keep the faith, but not to yourself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Can The Fair Tax Really Be Fair?

The Fair Tax is Fair or can be fair if it is implemented as it has been devised by the 54 congressional authors of the bill.

My guess is that it will not be implemented at all in it's present form because it takes too much power from the government.

This is a non partisan comment. It does not apply only to Republicans or Democrats. Taxes are the foundation for the bully pulpit of the governments.

Frankie recommends that you read the book by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder to get up to date on the taxes you are now paying and how you will be better off and pay only your share. Keep the faith, but not to yourself.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is There Such A Thing As A Fair Tax?

Congressman John Linder and syndicated radio personality Neal Boortz, believe there is. By the way, I also believe there is a better way to have the Feds do their business. It is known as The Fair Tax.

  • The Fair Tax is not a new idea, but it is an idea that has not reached it's time. It has not reached it's time largely because the politicians who work for you in your name do not want to lose control of the money. At one point, there were 54 representatives in favor of the plan and are listed as co-authors of the bill. That number has risen.
  • To read more about The Fair Tax plan, please go to this website and spend some time reading the pros and cons about the idea.

Frankie recommends that all of us become more interested in the world we live in and never stop learning. F

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Do You Legally Have To Pay Taxes?

Think for a moment, why do you pay income taxes? The reason may be that you do not want to go to jail and you don't want the inconvenience and expense of not paying your income taxes.

  • In the United States of America which is not a police state, but rather, a republic. We do not have a dictator such as Saddam, Ahmadinejad, Papa Doc in Haiti, and others. We have an elected President and he appoints a cabinet who look into the various aspects of running a country.
  • Theoretically, the police cannot burst into your home and perform a search or haul you off to jail for some made up reason. Mistakes are made occasionally such as the lady in Atlanta who had the police burst into her house and she took exception with a gun and wound up dead. That was a mistake and some officials are having to take responsibility.
  • Since there is no law requiring you to pay individual income taxes, why would you or how could you be arrested for keeping your money and not filing your 1099?
  • Here are a few very interesting videos, parts 1 - 5, which is very enlightening. Please do not think that I am in any way suggesting that you do not pay your taxes, that is your choice. What I am suggesting is that you get more involved in your government and learn about about what your government is doing on a daily basis.
Frankie recommends that you also learn more about The Fair Tax. More on that tomorrow. Remember, keep the faith, but not to yourself. F

Monday, October 1, 2007

What Is The Federal Reserve System?

The man on the street was first a radio program and then a tv show and in some form, does appear on some other programs. Leno goes on the street and asks ordinary citizens current event questions and then the audience gets a great laugh out of the mostly far wrong replies.

  • Those types of situations may be an indicator of the knowledge of the majority of the citizenry or, it may be only a small portion of the citizens of arguably the most powerful nation in the world.
  • Those answers that reveal a lack of knowledge or disdain for anything other than 'foo ball' or the latest indiscretion of the legal authorities against Lindsay Lohan or her pals may not reflect the core of American values.
  • Frankie recommends that you devote an hour of your time to this website and learn a little about just who and how your life is being manipulated.
  • I am not suggesting that your life is being mis-handled and most likely without the Federal Reserve System we might not have as much to handle. Frankie believes that everyone should have some knowledge and understanding of what is happening in their life.
  • We should not live like the fish in the pond in the back yard at Frankie's house. Those fish just swim around in there watching snail races and waiting to be fed. The memory of a fish is about 3 to 5 seconds. Be more interested and interesting than a fish.
Keep the faith, but not to yourself. FL