Walk into any department store and you’ll find hundreds of beauty products lining the shelves for men and women. Each one of those products has something else as a miracle ingredient, something unique to offer. Most promise to hide the signs of aging. Some make claims of being able to erase the years and to have you looking 10, 20 or more years younger. But, in truth, there is no way to avoid aging other than die young, is there? The choices are limited and so far all you have seen on the shelves is perhaps a new paint job for the old body or maybe someway to make the wrinkles seem shallower.
Consider some numbers for a moment:
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the average life expectancy in the
In fact, today, there are over 70,000 people in the
What if we told you that it really had nothing to do with those beauty products on the market, but that it had to do with the things that you are capable of making changes with today, right now? Would that excite you? It does me! Understand that I am not interested nor do I want to live to be 103 or anywhere near that unless I am healthy. If I am sickly and a burden to others, then I pray that God will take me home to my Heavenly home.
I am 75 years old - three quarters of a century - with three joint replacements and over thirty surgeries. Now understand that I consider a ‘surgery’ to be anytime the doctor or medical professional breaks my skin for any reason with a scalpel. Naturally, simple shots do not count.
I had my left shoulder completely replaced with titanium and it works great. I can lift, throw, push, and still hit a golf ball 250 yards. I have had both knees replaced with titanium joints and they are doing great. No problems! I still have a stainless steel screw in my right wrist from having damaged the bones that make up that joint. I had one screw removed because it began to protrude suspiciously beneath the skin. Even with all of those major surgeries, I feel very good.
That is what this post is all about. It is important for you to understand that you don’t just want to look younger. You need to dig deeper into your lifestyle and feel younger this message is saying that it is better to feel good than to look good. That is just the opposite from what
More often than not, if you do keep yourself in good health, even if you are ever to suffer from a sickness like the influenza du jur or some other sick, if you are in good physical, mental and emotional health, the siege will not be as severe as it could be if you have not taken care of yourself.
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