Be At Peace

Be At Peace
Cause Joy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Do You Legally Have To Pay Taxes?

Think for a moment, why do you pay income taxes? The reason may be that you do not want to go to jail and you don't want the inconvenience and expense of not paying your income taxes.

  • In the United States of America which is not a police state, but rather, a republic. We do not have a dictator such as Saddam, Ahmadinejad, Papa Doc in Haiti, and others. We have an elected President and he appoints a cabinet who look into the various aspects of running a country.
  • Theoretically, the police cannot burst into your home and perform a search or haul you off to jail for some made up reason. Mistakes are made occasionally such as the lady in Atlanta who had the police burst into her house and she took exception with a gun and wound up dead. That was a mistake and some officials are having to take responsibility.
  • Since there is no law requiring you to pay individual income taxes, why would you or how could you be arrested for keeping your money and not filing your 1099?
  • Here are a few very interesting videos, parts 1 - 5, which is very enlightening. Please do not think that I am in any way suggesting that you do not pay your taxes, that is your choice. What I am suggesting is that you get more involved in your government and learn about about what your government is doing on a daily basis.
Frankie recommends that you also learn more about The Fair Tax. More on that tomorrow. Remember, keep the faith, but not to yourself. F

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