Weekly Feature
A FairTax Hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee

The FairTax campaign will be taking our message to the heart of Congressional power over the income tax system in the coming weeks and months.
At the center of Congressional power over the federal tax code is the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Charles Rangel of New York City. The power to pick winners and losers in the current tax system, grant tax favors, punish political opponents, manipulate citizen and business behavior, and amend the tax code itself rests with this most powerful House committee.
Read the Article in Full » http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ftf_dec11#feature
If you recall, Charles Rangel, Dem from New York City forgot to report to the IRS over a million dollars in gifts, equities, dollars, for which he paid no taxes. The IRS is the main arm of the administration which can threaten the citizens into submission. The fear of an audit is always there under the current system. Under the Fair Tax, the government loses much of it's power and control.
For some reason I keep thinking about the fox guarding the hen house.
Frankie says to watch what they do and not what they say.